The Leprechauns

The Brief was to demonstrate how insanely hot Mic’s Chilli Shamrock & Jalapeño sauce is. This was achieved by picking one of the most iconic mythical Irish creatures, the leprechaun. One sip of this hot sauce kills leprechauns by blowing their heads right off. The visuals were created in an old-world way by shooting over 500 photos and stitching them together to achieve a hand-cranked style of film redolent of the first films ever recorded. This old world effect was contrasted with modern post production techniques – after effects animation of blood splatter and particle systems to create the explosive effect. This was then colour graded into black and white, apart from the blood and guts which were left red to give visual impact and contrast to the black and white footage.

Additional Information

Award Category: TV & Film - Commercial Visual Effects/Animations
Designer(s): Shane O'Riordan
Entrant: Boys and Girls