Re-Imagine The Tea Pot

A reimagining of the ordinary teapot and elevating it from all preconceptions. Initially, looking purely from an aesthetic perspective, freeing it from fixed ideas, and secondly, to try to search for a new design language by combining different materials expanding the properties of pure ceramics. The result combines clay, the basis for a ceramic vessel, with metal brad nails and beach pebble stones. The glazing technique involves raku-firing, with its inherent black and white aesthetic. The body, formed like a round laboratory flask, almost setting the ceremony of tea making in the realm of alchemy and mystery. Instead of a traditional base, brad nail legs feature all around the bottom half of the ceramic sphere. The teapot rests on any three of these spikes in various positions, creating a surreal creature-like appearance. The lid is an actual pebble stone, and as all are different, the matching shape of the opening is equally unique.

Additional Information

Award Category: Product Design - Craft Design: Handmade Product
Designer(s): Andreas Heil
Entrant: Innen Architecture